The Church Girl

The Church Girl - N2,500

As a child, Mary Uwanna believed in the power of faith and love and loved to tell stories of princes. Everything changes when she loses her parents in one night and is left to care for her three brothers. In a climate of corruption and immorality, even the Church was not a safe refuge for sixteen-year-old Mary. She makes a decision that threatens to steal her destiny until she meets her prince.

Ifeanyi Chukwueke is not the prince Mary had envisioned. He is a bad boy with a reputation for breaking hearts. But his heart is set on Mary. Faced with her haunting past, he makes a decision to love her regardless...until his own past comes to threaten their happily ever after – time and again!

The Church Girl is a story about a love that was destined but tried in every way. Mary and Ifeanyi must learn that in order to live, they must first die to self, as their love and faith is tested through many trials and temptations.

Follow this roller-coaster ride, about a love that overcomes all, that will grow your faith or lead you to the One who holds the keys of Life.


Check out the Promo Page to read early reviews on this book.


32 thoughts on “The Church Girl”

  1. This book was reviewed by Blogger and Author, Onome Omodara, on Instagram at

    “I just had to do this review today, I’m so tired of postponing it o
    I got the church girl December last year and interestingly I just couldn’t stop till I finished. I asked myself “what kind of book is this?” this book engaged my mind from the beginning to the end.

    The story line is so beautiful and I want to wonder if its fictional, it looks so real ehn.

    @ufuomaee I give it to you sis, you are definitely anointed to write, thank you for saying yes to God. Your writing skills is dope and your books and writings challenges the writer in me to go back and pick my pen.

    Thank you for writing this book, you showed me a new light to love.
    This book teaches us love the God way and most importantly forgiveness in marriage, I legit cried at some points sha.

    This book gave me different emotional vibes. I’ve read and read and I’m still reading again.

    This is a book I want to recommend for every single and married person, it’s a must have in your shelf.

    @ufuomaee more ink to your pen sis, more inspiration. Thank you for lending your voice.

    #onomewrites #reviews #fiction #forgive #love #marriage #ufuoma #author #kingdomambassador #graceambassador

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    1. An Emotional Affair is a book about forgiveness. I was heavily convicted while reading the book; there were several instances where I thought there would be no going back from there, but grace and forgiveness won each time. It was a beautiful and relatable story, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of these characters in ASW.

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  2. Wow. Beautiful story. Well thought out plot and theme.

    Of a truth it was an inspiring story.

    I had to sacrifice my sleep time to keep reading till the end.

    I enjoyed the faith lessons twists. Draws us back to our Sovereign God.

    Thumbs up. You have done well. God bless you.

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  3. The Church Girl is about broken dreams, the struggle to live in a corrupt world and the experiences we have with people. When we meet the right people, they may also be disguised by their experiences even the church girl, Mary, had an axe to grind like the confirmed player, Ifeanyi. Love may not be enough but being committed will take you farther than you can imagine and we see this promising theme running through yet another story told by the master storyteller and compelling narrator…. Ufuoma E. Ashogbon

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  4. Tracy Okitavwota

    The Book ‘the church girl’ is a book Everyone needs to read. I fell in love with the book because I learnt so much from it. About my spirituality, How to deal with other, How to communicate with my creator and so much I can’t write on, the book inspire me positively. One character I love so much from the book is ‘Mary’ I really need a friend like her?,and I appreciate the grace of God in her Life. The book is filled with broken dreams, Love, lust, something else I find interesting is ‘letting God be in charge and letting his will be done in our Life’, Forgiveness. In everything we do we need to pray for God’s Grace and Mercy upon our “Life, the church girl ” I love the book??

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  5. Such a beautiful and heart-melting story! I absolutely enjoyed every bit of it and couldn’t put it down till I was done! Safe to say other aspects of my life suffered at the time. But with good reason! ?
    Well done Ufuoma!
    The world hasn’t begun to hear of you yet. But soon!

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  6. Ebos Aifuobhokhan

    This is the first book by Ufuomaee I am reading and the question on my heart is, “Where have you been all my life?”

    The bends and curves of this book was exhilarating. I loved how effortlessly impacting the words of this book was. As I was reading, I was imaging the author sitting in front of an audience reading the book out in a very gentle and quiet voice and majority of the audience with their hands on the chests and tears in their eyes.

    This book illustrated love, forgiveness and restoration in an absolutely touching and real way. The characters were phenomenal, even the not so good ones.

    Lovers of a good and real story will love this book. I read it in a sitting.

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      1. If you’re looking for a relatable read, put a check beside The Church Girl; a book that’s entertaining, another check please; a book that’s downright didactic and rooted in scripture; quadruple checks abeg.

        The Church Girl is too good. It’s really the way Ufuomaee weaves scripture and fiction together seamlessly. It’s actually like a cake with a swirl of flavors and you can’t eat one flavor without getting a taste of the other.

        I’d recommend this book to every single pringle out there. The lessons are invaluable.

        Permit me to share a few:

        1) Numero Uno!!! God comes first. A relationship where either partner loves the other more than God will crumble faster than a house of cards.

        2) God has your best interest at heart even when it doesn’t look like it.

        3) Sometimes what you might be getting is a NOT YET and not a NO. God is the good father that gives good and perfect gift. He knows what gifts are perfect for you and when.

        4) Most importantly, decisions made in fear will always come back to haunt you. Fear had nothing more than torment.

        5) You can only love when you’ve learned to love like God. That’s the best way to show others the love of God.

        6) You HAVE TO LEARN TO HEAR FROM THE LORD YOURSELF. This cannot be overemphasized.

        Ufuomaee,you have a ministry here, helping singles and married folk. Thank you for yielding to God.

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  7. When I read the blurb of “The Church Girl”, I thought I had the story figured out. Boy, was I wrong! The twists and turns in Mary and Ifeanyichukwu’s love story completely caught me off guard. What really stood out to me was how every challenge they faced drew someone closer to Christ, whether it was the couple themselves or those around them.

    This book reinforced the importance of truly ‘fleeing’ from any appearance of evil because we often overestimate our ability to handle temptation.

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  8. Before reading the church girl I thought I already knew the template the story would follow until I met pastor Bolaji all the trials that Mary faced she was able to stand firm and refined just like 1 Peter 1:7. And the fact that as she’s coming out strong someone is knowing God the more or giving their lives to Christ.

    The things that will always still stand out for me out of many more things is forgiveness and love but this time I have to add OBEDIENCE to it because even though they were right to want to marry each other the first time the place of obedience and God’s timing can’t be left out💯💯.

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  9. The usual saying is don’t judge a book by its cover but I think for Ufuomaee it is “don’t judge her book, by its blurb” because why on earth is the church girl full of twists!

    I never see the ending coming at all, but first, can we celebrate Ufuomaee for always addressing sensitive topics that are rarely written about? She doesn’t just address them, she does that really well!

    To me, this book is a redemption series. It captured the essence of dying to self and living to love. One of the quotes in this book that stood out for me is “Sometimes, your FEAR might just be louder than your FAITH.

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  10. As a married folk, I’ll downright recommend this book to both the singles and married out there. It is packed with so many salient lessons, oh my!, I mean salient lessons we might often take for granted as Christians and even non Christians alike.

    I struggled writing a review after I finished reading it because I was still immersed in the book and I had the characters still dancing in my head.

    A few lessons I’ll share without leaving spoilers;
    📌You need God to love your spouse. The number one thing is to first genuinely love God, then you’ll genuinely love your spouse. The love of God would prevent you from falling astray.

    📌 Communication is key!, this cannot be over emphasized. Effectively communicate your weakness, who knows?, you might find useful help doing so.

    📌Strive to know God for yourself, by yourself and to hear from him.

    📌Remember, whatever you do may still come back to hunt you, be careful of the works of your hands.

    📌Prayer is the key. Prayer is not too much.

    📌Keep your minds and hearts sanitised as much as possible. Flee any form of sin, even if it’s just a signal.

    📌At the right time, God would make it happen. If it’s not the right time you might hear a NOT YET or NO.

    I enjoyed reading this piece. I never knew I was missing out on something as beautiful as this. Ufuoma’s pen is truly blessed 😁👍.

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  11. Nah Madam Ufuomaee , your pen game is anointed! My hat off to you, I have spent my whole Saturday reading church girl and wow what an amazing story.

    The plot twists were unpredictable, just how I like it.

    My main take away from this book is, seek God’s guidance always . Never underestimate temptation ,no matter how big or small it is .

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  12. If “Don’t judge a book by its title” was a novel, The Church Girl by Ufuomaee is it! I know some people are probably sceptical upon hearing or reading the title of this book, like I was. Maybe you’re thinking it’s another mundane cliche story that you’ll be brief by. Ha! *Shakes head sardonically*
    Swipe that thought off your mind immediately! You’re about to get whisked off your feet.

    I just finished the book and I’m overwhelmed to say the least. I have experienced all the level in the spectrum of emotions while reading this book. My heart is still racing thinking of all the highs and lows I felt with the characters.

    I love the dynamics of the relationship between the main characters, Ifeanyi and Mary. I swooned too many times. The sweetness and predestination of their bond and how they stuck by each other till the very end despite all odds.

    Every other character was also so well developed that I bonded with them, flaws and perfections all.

    I’m so excited that they’ll all be coming back in the Small World series and I can’t wait to journey on adventures with all of them again.

    This is one book I highly recommend to every Christian who is single, in a relationship or is married. It now ranks in my top favourite Nigerian Christian books of all time.

    Once again, Ma’am Ufuomaee, your hands are blessed of God to do more exploits. I’m your latest biggest fan, hands down.

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  13. The church girl felt like watching a movie, from Mary’s dream to Amaka’s Imagination, the two scenes got me screaming “Ifeanyi what is your problem?”
    This book is a confirmation about the saying that says ” Your actions have consequences; make sure you’re ready to face them”
    This made me realize that;
    1. Every decision or action has a corresponding consequence.
    2. The magnitude and direction of the consequence are often proportional to the action.
    3. Consequences can be predictable (like physical reactions) or unpredictable (due to complexity or unforeseen factors).

    I have so much to say but I’d summarize it by saying : The church girl is a must to read

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  14. The Church Girl is a book about forgiveness. I was heavily convicted while reading the book; there were several instances where I thought there would be no going back from there, but grace and forgiveness won each time. It was a beautiful and relatable story, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of these characters in ASW.

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  15. This has always been one of my favourite books.

    The Church Girl is packed with a lot of lessons for everyone.
    It teaches you how to wait on God
    How to depend solely on God and lots more.

    Most people find it difficult to depend solely on God without realising that life gets easier and better if we let God lead us right.

    I equally love how some of the characters find Jesus and also find rest in him.

    This book shouldn’t be a one time read. Be like me 😜 and read it several times.

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  16. I really enjoyed The Church Girl. It was indeed a roller coaster ride but one I relished every step of the way. Ifeanyi and Mary’s love was indeed destined, their journey could only have been ordained by God cos sometimes I wondered how they’d move on from this and almost gave up on them but they showed us that when God has a hand in a thing, He brings it to completion. I loved getting up close and personal with Mary and Ifeanyi and I’m rooting for them. A love that was tried not just once but several times and stood the test of time, what is there not to love? There were a lot of lessons to learn in this book including trust, forgiveness and love. Your personal relationship with God cannot be overemphasized! It is important! Thank you Ufuomaee for this beautiful love story. God bless you.

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  17. Whew!!!!! Deep! This was so real. You could literally touch the characters, feel all their pains. Ufuomaee has done it again. This book is packed full with God’s love and redemptive power. No matter how deep or grave the sin is, God forgives if we come to Him with a repentant heart.
    The love story between Mary and Ifeanyi is beautiful. Their journey to happiness was long with so many lessons learnt along the way. Mary is indeed a strong woman. There where times I thought she would break and forget about the relationship with Ifeanyi but she trusted God. The obstacles were many with the major mistake almost threatening to ruin everything. Her mother-in-law is indeed a wise woman. Just like in emotional affair, a good mother-in-law saved the day.
    This book shows God’s love and forgiveness. Mary truly exemplified that when she forgave Amaka and showed her God’s love.
    Ufuomaee made you feel all the characters’ emotions. Well done! 5 stars all the way!

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  18. Wowwww
    When I read the excerpt of the book in broken I was already hooked and looked forward to reading it.
    This book teaches so many wonderful lessons. It teaches about forgiveness, our relationship with God and lots more.
    The journey of Mary and Ifeanyi shows that you need to make God your first love in everything. Christianity is not a religion but a lifestyle.
    Sometimes we subconsciously worship what God gives us over Him . Also going to Church does not necessarily make you a christian, it is your relationship with Him that matters.
    A person might be the one but the timing might not.
    Sometimes we use God’s Word in a wrong context to ease our minds from the evil or guilt of the wrong things we are about to commit especially the part of grace and mercy.
    I have a lot to say about this book especially that forgiveness aspect ehhh. Imagine forgiving the one who hurt you deeply. One thing I love about this book is the aspect of evangelism like the t-shirt man did. It shows there is no excuse to not evangelise because there are a lot of means to.
    This book is a blessing from God and the author is blessed.

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  19. The church girl is so uplifting story. The storyline is so emotional. The church girl is a story about a love that was destined but tried in every way. Mary and Ifeanyi’s love and faith was tested through many trials and temptations.

    One of the lessons learnt in this book is that “Love is beyond emotions.” The God way of love is so beautiful. The kind of love Christ has for the church is very much possible. It is very possible to love and forgive someone the way God does.

    The book is a 10/10. I completely recommend 💯💯💯

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