The Idiot Who Killed Me

It happened all of a sudden.  Out of nowhere, this car smashed into me, and I flew out of my seat unto the road, where I would spend my last few moments wondering about the idiot who killed me.  I wondered who else was injured seriously or would die from that freak accident.

When I saw the light, I was so angry that the idiot had stolen my life just like that.  In a moment of recklessness, they had sentenced my child to being motherless in a cruel world, and sentenced my husband to misery.  Oh the needless grief they have caused my family and friends just because they wanted to save one second of time to get to where they were going faster!

I wonder where they were going that was so important!  Did they make it there themselves?  Alive?  Will they get away with my murder?!  Or will they be filled and tormented with the guilt that their foolish actions ought to provoke.  Oh, what injustice!  That they should live and not spare me a thought everyday for as long as they lived.

The angel came to me, and saw that I was fuming.   He asked me why I was angry.  I told him my frustrations... about how an idiot came out of nowhere and slammed into me. I told him about how I was in a hurry myself to get somewhere on time.  I told him that the streets were filled with so many inexperienced, careless and crazy drivers, who do not give consideration for others.  I demanded to know who was responsible for my death.

His words shocked me to the core.  "It was you!  You are the idiot who killed yourself and almost killed other people in the process.  The only person you should be mad at is you."

"But... but... but," was all that could escape my mouth, until I remembered.  I had seen the other driver coming...but I thought I could make it if I went a little faster, instead of slowing down.  Afterall, I had right of way...  How I had misjudged the situation.  If I had only been patient, and considerate and humble, maybe I would still be alive.

I began to cry as I wondered about the other person... What if I had killed them too?  What if they were now to live the rest of their lives with a disability?  What if they have one or more dependents, who will now suffer, because of my momentary madness!  "Oh, God, oh God," I cried.  "I hope they are ok."

"They are fine," the angel said to me.  "But only have one life.  So come with me. You must give account to your Maker."

Copyright © Ufuomaee

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