Perfect Love

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Unhappily married Onome meets her ex-boyfriend and “the love of her life” just months before her sixth wedding anniversary. Now, she can’t get him out of her head, as she reminisces about way back when, recalling promises of unending love. It really doesn’t help that they are now neighbours, and he seems just as interested in going down memory lane as she…

After Temi finds and reads his wife’s diary, he is certain that nothing can ever make them whole again. To make matters worse, he has already found comfort in another woman’s arms. How do you fight to keep a marriage that your heart is no longer in…?

Weight .75 kg

1 review for Perfect Love

  1. Gloria Elemide
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Gloria Elemide (verified owner)

    I don’t think I can ever get use to how beautifully Ufuomaee writes, I have most of her books and trust me, it’s always exceed my expectations!

    Perfect love is screaming perfection!!!! I totally enjoyed it!

    At this point, Ufuomaee would do well as a relationship/marriage because what manner of wisdom is thissssss!
    I literally stop at some point to journal my thoughts from the book.

    I love it, love it and it was a beautiful experience for me.

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    • Ufuoma E-Ashogbon


      Thank you so much! It means a lot.

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